New Fast Speed Train Coming to Leeds
West Yorkshire Combined Authority has now given conditional approval to an application for high speed train Leeds-London with the university funding.
West Yorkshire Combined Authority has now given conditional approval to an application for high speed train Leeds-London with the university funding.
The new MOT changes to public service vehicle (PSV) & large goods vehicle (LGV) test rules that could make it harder for these vehicles to pass.
If you drive a lorry, bus or coach, you will know that you must follow rules on how many hours you can drive and the breaks you need to take. DVSA is changing fines for lorry, bus & coach drivers next month.
MOTORISTS in Sutton Coldfield Birmingham have been warned that they can be fined £100 and three penalty points for being caught parking on the pavement.
Highways England said motorists ignoring red X signs on overhead gantries is “dangerous”.
Leeds City Council has announced plans to introduce a proposed charging Clean Air Zone (CAZ).
For those who don’t yet know, the departure forecourt at T2, Atlanta Ave will be closed to all traffic with effect from 00:01 on the 19th October 2017.
Dubai International Airport is doing away with security counters next year and introducing virtual fish to verify your identity instead.
Been a busy September with getting the school contracts up and running.
In December 2014 the low-cost Indian airline was on the brink of collapse